class log_decor.add_logger(name=None)

Add logger to class.

The logger will be saved in an attribute named ‘logger’.


name (Optional[str]) – Name of logger. If not given, the name of the class is used.

Return type:

Callable[[TypeVar(Class)], Type[TypeVar(Class)]]

class log_decor.log_func(msg=None, level=10, arg_func=None, res_func=None)

Add logging functionality to function|method.

Applies a function (arg_func) to the args|kwargs and other function (res_func) to the result before logging. The format of the message is:

message(arg_func_result) -> res_func_result
  • msg (Optional[str]) – Start of log message. If not given, the name of the function|method is used.

  • level (Optional[int]) – Log level. Default is DEBUG.

  • arg_func (Optional[Callable[..., str]]) – Function to apply to args|kwargs. If not given, a function that returns an empty string is used.

  • res_func (Optional[Callable[..., str]]) – Function to apply to result. If not given, a function that returns an empty string is used.

Return type:

Callable[[Union[Callable[[ParamSpec(Param)], TypeVar(RetType)], Callable[[Concatenate[Type[Class], ParamSpec(Param)]], TypeVar(RetType)]]], Union[Callable[[ParamSpec(Param)], TypeVar(RetType)], Callable[[Concatenate[Type[Class], ParamSpec(Param)]], TypeVar(RetType)]]]

class log_decor.log_info(level=10)

Add logging functionality to function|method.

Logs the args|kwargs, time duration of execution, and result. The format of the message is:

function_name(args|kwargs) [0-9*.0-9*s] -> result

level (Optional[int]) – Log level. Default is DEBUG.

Return type:

Callable[[Union[Callable[[ParamSpec(Param)], TypeVar(RetType)], Callable[[Concatenate[Type[Class], ParamSpec(Param)]], TypeVar(RetType)]]], Union[Callable[[ParamSpec(Param)], TypeVar(RetType)], Callable[[Concatenate[Type[Class], ParamSpec(Param)]], TypeVar(RetType)]]]

class log_decor.log_msg(msg=None, level=10)

Add logging functionality to function|method.

Logs given message. The format of the log message is:

  • msg (Optional[str]) – Message to log. Default is ‘function_name()’.

  • level (Optional[int]) – Log level. Default is DEBUG.

Return type:

Callable[[Union[Callable[[ParamSpec(Param)], TypeVar(RetType)], Callable[[Concatenate[Type[Class], ParamSpec(Param)]], TypeVar(RetType)]]], Union[Callable[[ParamSpec(Param)], TypeVar(RetType)], Callable[[Concatenate[Type[Class], ParamSpec(Param)]], TypeVar(RetType)]]]